Silvio Nickol Palais Coburg
 | Auf dieser Seite haben wir für Sie alle Informationen zum Eintrag Silvio Nickol Palais Coburg aus der Kategorie Restaurant in Innere Stadt zusammen getragen. Unten finden Sie die Anschrift, Öffnungszeiten und weitere Details. |
The Palais Coburg in Vienna is a new gourmet restaurant offering diners the very finest cuisine which is imaginative and creative ? a place for people who enjoy good food. Silvio Nickol is an award-winning chef who has succeeded in creating a unique and outstanding culinary experience at this luxurious 5-star establishment. In terms of decor, the Palais Coburg has recently undergone a complete makeover. Glass, wood, leather, a pleasant colour scheme and relaxed lighting give the place an intimate feel, creating just the right setting for an evening full of style and tradition. The culinary offering includes creative interpretations of classic dishes and exceptional gastronomic concoctions which combine wonderfully with the Coburg?s extensive wine selection. The Palais Coburg's wine sommelier Frank Smulders is the second European to have successfully completed the Master of Wine examination. A very impressive range of 5,000 different wines provides the perfect accompaniment to every meal and Herr Smulders is the right man for the job.
Anschrift: Silvio Nickol Palais Coburg
Silvio Nickol Palais Coburg
Coburgbastei 4
1010 Wien
Fehler meldenBilder
: Silvio Nickol Palais Coburg
Dienstag bis Samstag 18:00
Telefon: | +43 151818200 |
E-Mail: | |
Webseite: | |
Küche: | Sonstige |
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** Durchschnittlicher Preis pro Nacht