 | Auf dieser Seite haben wir für Sie alle Informationen zum Eintrag Opus aus der Kategorie Restaurant in Innere Stadt zusammen getragen. Unten finden Sie die Anschrift, Öffnungszeiten und weitere Details. |
The Imperial is a hotel and restaurant offering guests a truly wonderful gastronomic experience. Diners are treated to an exquisite selection of dishes courtesy of the chef, and the ambience is superb. There a creative blend of traditional Viennese and exotic cuisine creating a menu that will make your mouth water. Dishes include baked lobster served with rucola noodles and campari orange, monkfish medallions with volcano ham, stewed beetroot and horseradish sauce and baked veal in a herb crust served with a lemon and caper flavoured sauce and Ricottatascherl. Round off your meal with a delicious dessert and a choice of the finest sweet Viennese wines on the market.
Anschrift: Opus
Kärntnerring 16
1015 Wien
Fehler meldenBilder
: Opus
daily 18:00 bis 24:00
Telefon: | +43 150110356 |
E-Mail: | restaurant.opus@luxurycollection.com |
Webseite: | http://www.imperialvienna.com |
Küche: | Österreichisch |
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